3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
all areas in 2017. in relation to the indicators of 2016. increased by only 4.2%;
an increase in investment separately in the healthcare sector by 7% is a good
Another conrmation of the active development of the health sector in recent
years is also the fact that the cost of research and development in the direction
of “protecting the health of the population” over the past 10 years has doubled,
reaching in 2017. 30.5 billion rubles (Russian statistical yearbook, 2018, с.485).
Comparing the gures we cited, especially the amount of investments and
turnover of organizations for the period 2015-2017, we can say that the provision
of tax preferences in the health sector gives a positive result.
Providing this kind of preferences for exemption from tax payment or the use
of a reduced rate when calculating it is, undoubtedly, a kind of support for
organizations, but for the state this means under-received funds to the budget.
That is why most of the preferences listed by us are temporary: the application of
the reduced tari on insurance premiums has not been implemented since 2019,
the application of the 0% rate on income tax is limited to 2020.
The abolition of the preferences provided is natural, since initially their
introduction provides for a temporary nature. However, the health care sector is
not the sector that can have priority in development today, but tomorrow it will
give way to the production or services sector. As mentioned earlier, the health
sector is always one of the most important for its maintenance and development.
Based on illustrative examples, based on ocial statistics, we can assume that the
extension of the existing preferences, in particular on income taxes, which expires
next year, may contribute to the development of both public and private health
organizations. Of course, we are not talking about indenite exemption from
the tax, a developed practice is the establishment of a reduced tax calculation
rate, with its subsequent gradual increase. This option is the most lenient for