Edición Especial Special Issue Octubre 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctic.2019.83-2.14-29
readiness to master the language environment and the language itself is not formed
in 15% of students, but practically all young students in informal communication
use profanity of the Russian language.
In the process of learning, foreign students build their own strategy of behavior
dierently. Some are more passive, they want more attention. In the process of
adaptation, individual characteristics are inherent in the national character -
patience, the ability to endure life’s diculties, enterprise, striving for the goal.
However, due to the peculiarities of division into “one’s own” and “others”, the
value hierarchy of a sense of national pride, superiority complicates entry into
the foreign culture environment. This predisposes rather to accommodation or
pseudo-adaptation. Some are more independent, ecient, cautious, persevering;
they are characterized by cognitive practicality, conscientiousness, punctuality,
accuracy, diligence, technical mentality.
Adaptation of foreign students to new conditions depends on the attitude of
the host party, mutual sympathy, antipathy, stereotypes (Ilina & Voprosu, 2016),
socio-cultural and psychological characteristics of dierent ethnic groups, the
knowledge of them helps university sta understands and explain the readiness of
foreign students to adapt to another socio-cultural and educational environment.
The use of cheat sheets and cheating inuences the process of adaptation of
foreign citizens negatively. Such a behavior makes the adaptation process dicult,
but at the same time, as our study showed, 21% of foreign students are ready to
use such methods by the end of training (Nakhaee & Nasrabadi, 2019).
Thus, the adaptation of foreign students in a new country is associated with
psycho-physiological, educational and cognitive diculties; inadequate language
training, overcoming dierences in education systems; with new requirements
and a system of knowledge control; with the diculties of mastering the new
socio-cultural and educational space of the university; moral and ethical norms
of behavior and coexistence, diculties in everyday life (Dehdar et al., 2019;
Eslami & Ahmadi, 2019; Jabbari et al., 2019).