3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
the verity that some objects or phenomena exist in both cultures, but they are
not important for one culture and the language does not have the word whereas
the object or phenomena exist. For example, the Tatar word kodagy in English
has the following meanings: The mother-in-law and the mother-in-law of the bride and
groom’s parents, grand-sisters, or married relatives do not have the right English equivalence.in
English there is no exact equivalent for the mother of the wife or the mother of the husband for
the parents of the bride and groom and their relatives Certainly English people have such
relatives but the English language does not have the word. It is proved by the
results of the research made by one of the authors (Nutrtdinova, 2015), which
show that family hierarchy is broader in Tatar culture. For words that cannot
easily be equated well, linguists are looking for the right words, and for now,
vocabulary gaps, extraneous words, untranslatable words, non-existent words,
and so on (Janssen, 2012; Sankaravelayuthan & Vishwa Vidyapeetha, n.d.). We
are dealing with Tatar specic culture notions that are a part of non- equivalent
words relative their lacunas in English, namely we are presenting the results of the
research in the semantic eld ‘Animals’. Earlier we researched the groups ‘Family
and human being environment’, ‘Religion’, ‘Food’, ‘Measures’ and ‘Household
Our study is aimed at the analysis of a semantic eld ‘Animals’. The words of
the eld have been selected from Tatar fairy tales published in Tatar. Researchers
at the Verona Academy have devised a method that we use. We use equivalence
indices in the dictionary of either the target language or the word created by
a free word combination in English (Fenenko, 2013). We have studied Tatar,
English, electronic dictionaries, and English explanatory dictionaries. In fact,
our main obstacle is that the dictionary is not comprehensive and reects the
specic Tataric culture concepts. Finding out that in learning Tataric culture,
Englishmen have no reason to misunderstand it and leading to conicts as the
marker of the category ailng/friend (Kalegina et al., 2015). Russian linguist Titov
(2002) proposed the method, which allows turning up the dierence of the world