Anastasiia A. Korshunova
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Elena M. Bastrikova
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Sholpan K. Zharkynbekova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Kuralay B. Urazayeva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Karlygash S. Abylkhassova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Recepción: 05/08/2019 Aceptación: 16/09/2019 Publicación: 23/10/2019
Citación sugerida:
Korshunova, A.A., Bastrikova, E.M., Zharkynbekova, S.K., Urazayeva, K.B. y
Abylkhassova, K.S. (2019). Formation of rhetorical skills in school: Mental features and
active teaching methods. 3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. Edición Especial,
Octubre 2019, 180-193. doi:
Suggested citation:
Korshunova, A.A., Bastrikova, E.M., Zharkynbekova, S.K., Urazayeva, K.B. &
Abylkhassova, K.S. (2019). Formation of rhetorical skills in school: Mental features and
active teaching methods. 3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. Special Issue,
October 2019, 180-193. doi:
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
The presence of more than twenty directions in Russian rhetoric is based on a
dierent understanding of the eectiveness of communication. Common is the
understanding of the eectiveness as an overall criterion of rhetoricalness – non-
rhetoricalness speech communication. This article considers the formation of
rhetorical skills in the American and Kazakh schools on the example of the study
of literature in a non-native language ‒ didactic prose of Leo Tolstoy. The article
analyzes the active methods for the formation of rhetorical competence of the
student in the American school, for the schools of Kazakhstan with non-Russian
language of education, forecasts of active tasks on the same didactic prose of
Tolstoy are oered. These scenarios of designing lessons are explained by the
identication of commonality and dierences in the formation of rhetorical
competence. The solution of such issues is made in the article: an attempt to
understand whether the recommendations for the formation of rhetorical skills in
the American and Kazakh schools with non-Russian language of education are
common, is there a connection with mental dierences. To answer this question
types of speech activity, argumentation technique, critical thinking, empathy,
receptive and productive activity in the classroom (reection) were analyzed.
Comparison of teaching non-native literature in American and Kazakh schools
with non-Russian language of education is based on the application of such
experience in social life and the formation of students’ motivation to study. The
establishment of commonality and dierences in the formation of eective
communication skills allowed to understand the role of mental characteristics
of students, the impact of national psychology of students in Kazakhstan on the
cognitive and metacognitive scaolding. The use of the same types of speech
activity listening, speaking, reading, writing showed the dominance of speaking
in the school in Kazakhstan.
Rhetoric, Eective communication, Secondary school, Second (non-native)
language, Russian literature, National psychology, Mental characteristics of
Edición Especial Special Issue Octubre 2019
The formation of rhetorical competence at school and university implies the
skills of free speaking, the ability to accurately reproduce someone’s speech,
authentic broadcast own thoughts to the addressee of the message, the ability to
build communication, prevent / solve disputes. This is how the eectiveness of
communication characterized (Kachesova et al., 2018).
In this article the problem of the text interpretation at literature lessons is on
the focus of view. Leaning on the provisions, provided by hermeneutic scientists,
the authors regard the interpretation as a special dialogue between the reader
and the text. The issue is also devoted to the problem of individual learning
styles formation based on the psychological characteristics of the reader-student,
the types of his representative system (auditory, visual or kinesthetic). Based on
the facts found identied according to the experiment authors have developed
the idea of forming individual ways for learning literature (Golikova et al., 2016;
Kheirabadi & Mirzaei, 2019; Córdova-Rangel et al., 2017).
The problem of interest in reading for integrated school lessons by means of
visual practices is considered by scientists of the Kazan school (Vakhrameeva
et al., 2016; Andrianova et al., 2017; Kashisaz & Mobarak, 2018). The authors
showed a steady decline in interest in reading in Russia, as was observed in
many countries around the world. The article proposes an approach to increase
interest in reading by illustrating. The authors believe that the integrated lessons
of literary reading and drawing contribute to the immersion in a literary text,
and visual language more understandable for the perception of students of the
elementary school than the abstract language of literature.
Selection of authentic texts and methods of work with them are important in the
study of literature in the second language. The authors of the experimental work
aimed at the use of the eective ways of teaching communicative competencies
to the full-time and part-time rst-year students learning foreign languages at the
language department by means of the novel «The Moon and Sixpence», written
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
by the prominent English writer William Somerset Maugham, consider that this
approach helps to form the communicative competence of students (Varlamova
et al., 2016; Subich et al., 2016; Eslami & Ahmadi, 2019; Kondubaeva et al, 2018).
In this sense, interest was caused by the planning of lessons in the American
school in the study of Russian literature on the material of didactic prose by
Leo Tolstoy, in textbooks for 7, 8, 10 classes and in 11-12 classes in the textbook
“World literature” publishing “McDougal Littell” (Applebee, 2008a; 2008b;
2008c; 2008d).
The purpose of the article is to establish commonality and dierences in the
American and Kazakh schools in the development of eective communication
skills, as well as to identify the relationship between the national psychology of
students and the impact on active teaching methods in the school in Kazakhstan.
The authors of the considered textbooks dene didactic literature as “literature
intended mainly for the purpose of explaining or conveying a moral message”
(Applebee, 2008c). Accordingly, the understanding, analysis and interpretation
of instruction, morality in the works of Leo Tolstoy are the main strategies of
semantic reading.
In order to arouse interest in the work, much attention is paid to the stage of
“challenge” . Therefore, before studying the short story “The old grandfather
and his little grandson” (grade 8), the question is: “How well do we treat elder?”
And for the understanding of key ideas pro-extermination questions can be
specied (Applebee, 2008b). This sets the context of reasoning and activates the
mechanism of empathy. Usage of the mechanism on the example of studying
a non-native (second) language on the example of students of non-linguistic
specialties in universities in Kazakhstan is described in the articles of the authors
of this article (Abylkhassova, 2019; Birjandi & Jazebi, 2014; Jabbari et al., 2019).
Edición Especial Special Issue Octubre 2019
In the study of literature in a second language by the authors of the widely
used ways of raising intercultural dialogue. Hence, it appeals to the method
Comparing Theme. It builds a comparative study of the short story of Leo
Tolstoy, written on the basis of folk tale, and the Japanese folk tale “The wise old
woman”, retold by Yoshiko Uchida. The method Comparing Theme develops
students‘ understanding of the term universal theme as an understanding of the
unity of the world cultural process, activating intercultural dialogue as an object
and tool of learning. The method Literary Analysis becomes the basis of the
guiding strategy for the formation not only of the socio-cultural context of the
study, but also of rhetorical culture (Applebee, 2008b; Nakhaee & Nasrabadi,
Receptive activity is also provided by the task List it. After reading the text, the
transition to reection is also a step-by-step system. First, it is the understanding
and interpretation as the ways to monitor the speech competence of students
and their rhetorical culture, which are carried out at the stage After reading.
Therefore, while studying the short story “The Old grandfather and his little
grandson” Comprehension is accomplished by dening Recall, whereas
Writing for Assessment suggests a cognitive scaolding (Birjandi & Jazebi,
2014; Barzamini, O. (2018). Cognitive scaolding is oered to Read the prompt.
It is interesting how the authors dierentiate the activities of students and
direct them to progression. The recommendation Plan your writing teaches
the operations and procedures of thinking, working with the table Points of
Comparison, which sheds light on the proposed in the tutorial plan essay.
The connection reading with writing is through Reading strategy: it is
important to set a purpose for reading. That is how the term universal
theme is achieved.
Dierentiation of student activity is supported by the task Draft your response.
Methods of comparing the passage from the new Testament and Tolstoy‘s story
are divided into a number of operations that determine the content of each part
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
of the essay: introduction, body, conclusion. As a test of the correctness of
judgments, understood in the rhetorical aspect as persuasiveness, the stage of
Revision is proposed (Applebee, 2008c).
Channels of information perception in the study of literature in a non-native
language achieve eciency by working with visibility. For example, the authors
use the Analyze visuals in order to better understand the text when studying
the story “The old grandfather and his little grandson” (Applebee, 2008b).
It is necessary to pay attention to how the motivation for reading is caused by
the heading Author online, where in the biography and literary destiny of the
writer the emphasis is made on the secret of his popularity and world recognition.
Kazakhstan is a country of natural bilingualism. From the 2017-18 academic
year, the reform of secondary education is announced here. The widespread
introduction of the communicative-activity approach has led to the updating of
the content of all textbooks. For the study of literature in a non-native language,
the important role of active methods was determined by the proximity of
didactic methods, the role of empathy, changing the educational paradigm, with
the strengthening of the role of skills, critical thinking, the ability to apply the
knowledge in life, etc.
In the present part of the development of active tasks on the same material didactic
prose by Leo Tolstoy. However, the focus of based on the context of cognitive
scaolding with dierent mental ‒ Kazakhstan (not Kazakh) environment.
Here, under the stage of “challenge”, before studying the story “The Old
grandfather and his little grandson” communication with personal experience
of students in a society with strong patriarchal values, deep rooted household of
Islam, elders’ piety, the actual tasks associated with a description of the signs of
Edición Especial Special Issue Octubre 2019
old age. While in the American school of reasoning about the reasons for respect
for old age require the involvement of texts of another culture (Japanese folk
tales) with an emphasis on universal for the peoples of the world theme.
Attention to the problematic issues that require a detailed answer in a society
with pronounced etiological attitudes (to the listener) require the activation
of speaking. Therefore, it is recommended as answers that require a detailed
answer: “Why did grandfather keep silent?”, “What lesson did the boy learn from
this story? How does this action to characterize the personality of the hero?” and
giving the answer by the personal relation.
The formulation of personal attitudes, opinions as a strategy of personality-
oriented approach is due to the cognitive setting, guiding the student with
independent work on the story: “Formulate the moral of the story. What are the
signs of didactic prose” to reection ‒ “Write a story about your grandfather or
grandmother, or about such grandfather and grandmother they would like to be
The dierence between the tasks completing the study of the story in the societies
of American and Kazakh culture is obvious. At the heart of reection, producing
the same rhetorical competence are dierent ways of argument.
We are close to the experience of commented reading and analysis of the
authentic ctional text by A.P. Chekhov by philological students in the classes
of Russian as a foreign language described in one of the articles of teachers of
Kazan Federal University. The authors consider: «Foreign students learn about
the culture and perception of the Russian people, expand their vocabulary and
improve their communication skills through working with the literary text, so it is
important to choose an appropriate pedagogical approach» (Valeeva et al., 2018).
The argument of the American student is aimed at the universality of the topic,
which is obvious for Kazakhstan initially. The shift of the discursive core of the
argument to the reputational value of senior members of the family in a society
with a traditional minority structure (when the heir is the younger son, and he
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
also in a traditional family takes care of the parents) is a model of behavior,
contains ready-made patterns of behavioral type. At the same time, the social
contradictions that have aected the traditional society are also known to students.
The reection, which is carried out in the course of independent work, makes it
possible to correct the existing socio-cultural stereotypes of the institution of the
family, opening the horizons of their potential change based on a comparison of
the real and possible worlds.
In the national school of Kazakhstan, during the dictionary work, preference
is given to such types of work: the formulation of a certain sentence in other
words, the selection of synonyms, work with the meanings of words with the
help of a dictionary, work with the methods of word formation to understand
the semantics, explanation with the help of examples of the meanings of idioms,
phraseological phrases, self-identication of signs of style. Attention to the search
for information using electronic resources to compare the native culture and
the studied contributes to the understanding of unity and national identity. For
example, commenting on the cases of dierent laughs in the Russian language
and native, students are imbued with an understanding of the sound symbolism
of the native language, in Kazakh, for example, the relationship between the
signier and the signied gave rise to an abundance of ideophones with their
sound semantics (Khusainov, 1988). One of the common ways’ students explain
the meaning of words is a contextual approach.
The transition to productive activities denes as new approaches reection,
allowing students to formulate the moral of the story, and respectively to
determine the genre characteristics of didactic prose.
Comparison of teaching non-native literature in American and Kazakh schools
with non-Russian language of instruction is based on the application of such
experience in social life and the formation of motivation of students to study.
Edición Especial Special Issue Octubre 2019
The establishment of commonality and dierences in the formation of eective
communication skills allowed to understand the role of mental characteristics of
students, the impact of national psychology of students in Kazakhstan on the
cognitive and metacognitive scaolding.
The use of the same types of speech activity listening, speaking, reading, writing
‒ showed the dominance of speaking in the school of Kazakhstan.
Dierent contents of argumentation, dierent operations of critical thinking,
dierent forms of inclusion of empathy, receptive and productive activity at a
lesson are revealed.
The commonality of didactic approaches in the formation of rhetorical
competence in the American and Kazakh schools with non-Russian language is
revealed in the following:
Using the visual channel as a conscious perception and processing of
information as an activating basis for writing an essay;
Inclusion of empathy in the context of reasoning by modeling educational
situations involving personal social experience;
Attitude to the argument as a sign of rhetorical competence of the student;
Connection of cognitive and metacognitive scaolding with historical,
cultural and social context of the studied literature.
Commonality can be traced and the mechanism of motivation to read. This is
the content of the columns containing a brief information about the writer as a
system of entertaining facts that explain the recognition and reputation / fame /
popularity in the world.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
The dierences are due to the predominant passive type of perception of
information in the Kazakh national school due to the formation of several
centuries of etiological attitudes to the role of the listener. Hence the main
dierences in didactic approaches:
Accentuation of problematic issues that require a detailed answer in order
to enhance speaking in the Kazakh school;
Orientation in the argument on the mental characteristics of students, the
basic values of the ethnic group;
Priority design of brainstorming in the pro and contra systems, protection
of opinions and correction of the opponent’s worldview in the process of
The main dierence lies in the strategy of the dictionary work. In the American
school, it involves the ability to build communication, prevent / resolve disputes,
identify communication errors and see the causes of these errors, while in
schools of Kazakhstan in teaching a second language is a priority to expand the
The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of
Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University. Article is written within the
framework of the project “Formation of a new type of professional multilingual
personality in the conditions of multilingual education in Kazakhstan” under the
contract N.º 132 from “12” March 2018.
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