Darya Sergeevna Zaudalova
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
Svetlana Vladimirovna Karkina
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
Singh Balwant
PhD Partap College of Education, India, Ludhiana
Recepción: 05/08/2019 Aceptación: 09/09/2019 Publicación: 23/10/2019
Citación sugerida:
Zaudalova, D.S., Karkina, S.V. y Balwant, S. (2019). Improvement of students
critical thinking through the using of the method of case studies. 3C TIC. Cuadernos
de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. Edición Especial, Octubre 2019, 152-163. doi: https://doi.
Suggested citation:
Zaudalova, D.S., Karkina, S.V. & Balwant, S. (2019). Improvement of students
critical thinking through the using of the method of case studies. 3C TIC. Cuadernos
de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. Special Issue, October 2019, 152-163. doi: https://doi.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
The conditions of modernization of modern reality require the introduction of
new teaching methods that consider the subjective needs of the individual and
provide for anybody with the opportunity to build an individual trajectory of
development. The development of critical thinking among students in the modern
education system is one of the important directions in the development of moral,
comprehensively developed personality. In addition to the fact that critical thinking
is metasubject and can be applied in all spheres of life, it is necessary to optimize
the work of students in dierent subjects of the educational program. The study
used method of case study that is one of the very perspective instruments for the
improvement of the educational theory and practice. Case study is a method
that uses description of situation from real educational practice and life at all.
Working with each situation allows you to develop the ability to analyze, draw
conclusions, evaluate and interpret. Cases contain not only information about
the situation, but also additional sources of information, such as illustrations or
criteria for their evaluation. We have developed a technique for the development
of critical thinking in the process of creating illustrations for literary works in the
technique of linocut. Within the framework of this technique, nine cases have
been developed. The study concluded that the advantage of cases is the ability to
optimally combine theory and practice. The method of cases contributes to the
development of the ability to analyze, interpret, draw conclusions on a specic
situation and evaluate, choose the best option and plan its implementation, which
can signicantly improve the eciency of critical thinking in students.
Critical thinking, Case studies, High education, Student, Personal development.
Edición Especial Special Issue Octubre 2019
The conditions of modernization of modern reality require the introduction of
new teaching methods that consider the subjective needs of the individual and
provide for anybody with the opportunity to build an individual trajectory of
development. The free development of the individual is relevant on a global scale
and characterizes the main trends in the development of world consciousness.
According to literature research “The problem of free will, one of the most
serious ones for the Western civilization as a whole” (Smyslova & Khabibullina,
2016). Some of modern researchers such as Nurgayanova, Ahmetova and
Batyrshina (2015) highlight the importance of intercultural interaction in the
process of personal development (Kheirabadi & Mirzaei, 2019; Borisova et al.,
2017). The educational possibilities of ethno-confessional environment were
studied by Faizrakhmanova and Kovrikova (2017) (Kashisaz & Mobarak, 2018).
The importance in this context is the task of education an “individual capable of
artistic and creative re-comprehension and the development of the surrounding
world in accordance with the laws of beauty” (Akhmetshina & Kadyjrova, 2017).
Such researchers as Valeeva, Karkina and Starčič (2018) study the ways for
activization of individual capable by the using of personal-oriented approach,
when other researchers like Butenko and Khodos (2002) state as most important
trend the improvement of critical thinking.
The development of critical thinking among students in the modern education
system is one of the important directions in the development of moral,
comprehensively developed personality. Critical thinking is necessary to optimize
the work of students in dierent subjects of the educational program (Murasheva
et al, 2018; Eslami & Ahmadi, 2019; Jabbari et al., 2019; Ogar et al., 2018).
In Cottrell’s work (2017) critical thinking is dened as comparison of arguments
and proofs for and against. Also, in her work, she refers to the denition of E.
Glazer. He says that “critical thinking implies constant attempts to examine any
beliefs or knowledge in the light of the testimonies that support them and the
conclusions they reach”.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
The author of the denition also emphasizes the importance of three aspects of
critical thinking: constancy – careful consideration of the issue and return to it,
proof – evaluation of the evidence put forward in favor of the proposal or point
of view, consequence reection on what may lead to the assumption or point
of view, what conclusions can be drawn, whether they are applicable, rational,
and if not, whether the original assumptions or points of view should be revised.
Dianov (2014) in his work refers to two denitions. One highlights critical thinking
as the ability to analyze information from the standpoint of logic, the ability to
make informed judgments, decisions and apply the results to both standard and
non-standard situations, issues and problems. The second belongs to Canadian
Professor R. Johnson. He states that critical thinking is a special kind of mental
activity that allows a person to make a sound judgment about the proposed point
of view or model of behavior.
Also Dianov (2014) refers to the works of R. Paul, one of the leading experts of
the United States in the eld of theory and practice of critical thinking, who says
that “critical thinking is thinking about thinking, that is, when a person thinks in
order to improve thinking”.
The study used method of case study that is one of the very perspective
instruments for the improvement of the educational theory and practice. Case
study is a method that uses description of situation from real educational practice
and life at all. According to the instruction students should research the situation,
the meaning of the problem, oer possible ways for decision and chose the best
from them (Vinevskaya, 2015; Nakhaee & Nasrabadi, 2019). Cases are based on
the real facts or very close to the real life conditions. Currently, in connection with
the modernization of Russian education in the systems of secondary and higher
education in Russia is the introduction of the case-method as one of the new and
eective methods of training.
Edición Especial Special Issue Octubre 2019
Critical thinking, like informal logic, views knowledge as a property of the
whole community, not just of the individual. Questions and criticism determine
the strategy of reasoning analysis. With their help, there is an improvement
and expansion of the original knowledge, and not the creation of self-evident
knowledge on a clear, reliable Foundation. Critical thinking focuses on the
analysis of “natural” reasoning, not trying to t them under the standard
structure of formal logic. Procedures of reasoning, as already noted, are analyzed
in the “anthropological” context, considering the characteristics of the reasoning
subject, which is characterized by a certain will, objectives, educational and
professional level.
Critical thinking is focused on “participation” in the social and individual life of
a person: reasoning is applied not only in the scientic sphere, but also in other
areas of human activity, including the sphere of his everyday life. Within the
framework of critical thinking, we study “how a person thinks”, making decisions,
planning his / her life activity and implementing his / her practical plans. One
of the tasks of critical thinking is to inuence the level of “practical rationality”
of society, including those who make decisions and those who implement them.
Currently, the case-method is actively implemented in the practice of the
educational process in Russia. The case study introduces students to a specic real
situation, designed to analyze dierent types of information, its generalization,
problem formulation skills and the development of possible solutions in
accordance with the established criteria. A distinctive feature of the case-method
is the independent activity of students, during which there is the assimilation
of knowledge and the formation of skills, as a result of which there is a creative
mastery of professional skills and the development of mental abilities.
Educational cases can be based on several types of research:
1. An explanatory study in which an explanation of a case or phenomenon
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
2. The pilot case study is a preliminary study. Its purpose is to prove the need
for further study of the problem.
3. Collective research – the study of information about several ready-made
studies, the use of the results and experience of past work.
4. The instrumental study refers to a specic case to get an idea of the
5. Descriptive study - a study which introduces the problem, “enters in” (Gaur
et al., 2019).
Among the variety of techniques of ne arts we have chosen linocut. This is a
technique of printing graphics, is an engraving on linoleum or similar polymer-
plastic materials. It belongs to the group of high-print engravings.
According to certain features of its performance, linocut is characterized by
limited opportunities for students by transferring the image only with black paint
and paper color. In the absence of students’ experience in this technique of
printed graphics, the transfer of realistic images in this technique is impossible,
which allows students to focus on both graphic means of expression (stroke, spot),
and to enhance their ability to stylize the image, through critical analysis.
We have developed a technique for the development of critical thinking in the
process of creating illustrations for literary works in the technique of linocut.
Within the framework of this technique, nine cases have been developed. Working
with each situation allows you to develop the ability to analyze, draw conclusions,
evaluate and interpret. Cases contain not only information about the situation,
but also additional sources of information, such as illustrations or criteria for
their evaluation. Work with each case can be both group and individual.
Edición Especial Special Issue Octubre 2019
The cases developed by us consist of 4 blocks and include:
Situation (Block 1) – this block contains the problem situation with which
students will work. The situation is brief, describes a specic example. The
theme of the situation is artistic creativity, illustration. The described situation
does not have a title or a brief description, with the main idea of the text
highlighted. The text of this block also provides links to annexes (block 4),
which can be accessed by students in order to better understand the situation.
Questions (Block 2) – this block includes several questions, the answers to
which help to understand the problems of the situation from block 1. Search
for answers to questions allows you to better identify the topic of the problem
situation, better navigate in its structure. Each of the questions is subject to a
single goal of development of critical thinking and allows you to develop the
ability to analyze, the ability to interpret, the ability to make a conclusion and
the ability to assess. When working with this block, students can also access
applications from block 4 if the task requires it.
Practical task (Block 3) – within this block, students perform a creative
practical task presented in each of the cases with its own conditions and rules.
The purpose of this block is to summarize the data obtained in the course
of working with the problem situation and consolidate the skills of analysis,
interpretation, conclusion and evaluation in practice. If this is required by
the practice assignment, students can also access the applications in block 4.
Applications (Block 4) – this block includes data that helps to solve issues
and problem situations while working with other blocks from the case (blocks
1,2,3). The appeal to the applications is a variable part, but it will signicantly
increase the probability of the correct execution of tasks from the case and
will allow you to better develop the skills of critical thinking. The information
provided in the appendices are reproductions of works by artists and memos
to consolidate oral knowledge in the eld of illustration and artistic creativity.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Topics of developed cases:
Illustration as an art form
Composition as an illustration
How to work with composition
Graphic as a mean of expression
What is stylization
Stylization by means of graphic
expressive means
Introduction to linocut
Sketch for linocut
The illustration in the technique
of linocut
The application of the case-method is a complex and structured process in
which a signicant role is played by the levels of preparedness of the teacher and
students to the activities within the case-method.
The case-method promotes the development of critical thinking and motivates
students to study a specic topic in detail. This method also helps students stimulate
conversation between student and teacher. This is the most active method of
learning, allowing the best way to reveal the talent of students. Many teachers
use the case-method to improve the ability to learn. This teaching method is an
alternative to the class-lesson system of education in the classroom. The case-
method is a powerful tool that connects the learning environment and the real
The development of critical thinking is an important part of the process of
personal development of students in the classroom of ne arts. The process of
creating an art object requires not only the possession of techniques of performing
art works, but also a special way of thinking that allows you to analyze works of
art, to justify and formulate conclusions about the harmonious composition of
the image. The chosen case-method is best suited for the development of critical
Edición Especial Special Issue Octubre 2019
Features of its structure allow to work out the basic mechanisms of critical
thinking – analysis, formulation of conclusions, evaluation and interpretation of
the results. Mastering the technique of linocut requires the conditions for the
development of students’ critical analysis skills necessary in the process of image
stylization. Features of performance in this technique limit the artistic methods
of image transmission, which contributes to the activation of critical analysis
processes in students.
The case-method can be used in dierent areas of educational activity and for
dierent ages, so it is a promising pedagogical technique for further study.
The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of
Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.
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