Ed. 27. Vol.7 Nº 4. Diciembre’18 - Marzo’19
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17993/3ctic.2018.62.76-97
to be contribution and support of the knowledge management, with human talent and necessary structure for its work.
The research analyzed a sample of 75 participants of the continuing education courses of the Directorate of Distance and
Virtual Education (DEaDV) of the Technical University of Ambato (UTA).
The methodological procedure that supported the research was qualitative-quantitative analysis, followed by bibliographic-
documentary research that deepened different approaches, theories, conceptualizations and criteria of different authors.
Subsequently, field research was applied to the two continuing education courses, by means of a structured questionnaire,
which prior to the application was validated in three phases, obtaining results for the descriptive analysis, which allowed to
raise conclusions and recommendations of the research.
The process made it possible to demonstrate the new structures for managing information and knowledge in higher
education, as well as expose results from different areas, among the most outstanding the evaluation of the structure and
the curricular methodological organization with an acceptance of 87%, the relevance of using creditable products (activities,
tasks, reports, final works) with a 73% consideration and the preference of the hybrid or b-learning modality with 84%.
Educación 4.0, Educación continua, Educación superior, Gestión del conocimiento, Sistemas
Education 4.0, Continuing education, Higher education, Knowledge management, Intelligent systems.
La Educación Continua se ha constituido en el medio dinámico en que la actividad docente
universitaria se vincula con programas de formación y capacitación al educando (profesionales,
estudiantes, público en general) que desee o requiera profundizar conocimientos, habilidades,
actitudes y destrezas que fortalecen su campo de acción, o quiera ampliar conocimientos a áreas
complementarias, emplear nuevos procedimientos y/o tecnologías con el n de lograr un mejor
desempeño, posición laboral y un desarrollo personal (Red Universitaria de Educación Continua,
Un factor signicativo constituye la innovación tecnológica que ha planteado nuevos escenarios
para la educación, donde están inmersas las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), la
robótica, la inteligencia articial (IA), sistemas expertos, realidad virtual (RV), realidad aumentada